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Preventive dance medical Dance Pedagogy©

The synergy between the sciences of dance medicine and dance pedagogy leads to Preventive Dance Medical Dance Pedagogy©. This synergy enables teachers, ballet masters or choreographers to guide their dancers towards healthy, safe dance technique, approaches to training and performance. The teacher learns how to create a healthy body and a healthy mind in their dancers by practically applying dance medicine and dance science. Evidence-based approaches to education, training and performance through empowering motivational climates as well as training sciences results in killing two birds with one stone: The dancer's performance can reach their individual best while their injuries are being prevented.

Moreover, this course also shines a light on the health and wellbeing of the teacher, pedagogue, or master themselves. What can teachers do to support their own health, how can they deal with injuries and/or age and the burden of the teaching profession? How can an empowering motivational climate they create for their dancers boost their own inspiration, motivation and health?

The curriculum of the Academy for Dance Pedagogy & Dance Medicine, Austria, is unique. In the course of 3+1 years, the teacher-to-be or somebody who is already working as a teacher, master, coach, or pedagogue, will learn how dance medicine can support the art of dance and provide answers to so many questions teachers might have when they want to support their dancers but don't know how (why a dancer stays stranded in a plateau or is not able to get out of injury and re-injury; which factors can boost or interfere with a dancer's performance; how can erroneous dance technique be avoided or mistakes identified and corrected, and many more).

The students themselves are free to choose their main subject (e.g. become an educator for classical ballet, modern-contemporary, or jazz, and so forth).

  • diploma in dance pedagogy and dance medicine for teachers, pedagogues, ballet masters, coaches.

  • duration of study: 3 years + 1 year for diploma paper and exam

  • extra occupational possible

  • international teachers, lecturers, and guest teachers for all discipline

The study is aimed at all coaches, teachers and dancers who see the importance of dance medicine and professional dance teacher’s education to guarantee and enhance their dancer’s health.

A deep personal interest in the work and research of dance medicine and science is required and the will to work on oneself (and one's teaching) for the sake of others.

© 2005 Akademie für Tanzpädagogik & Tanzmedizin, Austria: All curricula of the Academy as well as the names and contents of all (associated) courses, the scripts and documents are subject to copyright protection. Any unauthorized reproduction, publication, copying or adapted version of the contents, even in excerpts, of the curriculum or the teaching materials and scripts offered as training courses without express prior written permission will be prosecuted immediately and will result in both civil and criminal prosecution in accordance with § 81ff UrhG under Austrian law.

Check out what people say about our programs (Click on the pictures for the video feedback.):

Monica Proenca

 “Hello my name is Monica Proenca, I am a choreographer and master dance teacher for Modern and Contemporary. I am here to talk about the privilege that it is to study under the tutelage of Judith-Elisa Kaufmann. Judith-Elisa is an extremely passionate individual about her profession. And she knows very much what dancers need to become a professional dancer and what teachers need to understand that and put that into perspective when dealing with young dancing bodies. Judith-Elisa has changed my way and my vision of what teaching dance should be. Teaching dance should be about understanding what the kids need, when they are older as young adults, and later on when become professionals and their bodies are more mature. Understanding that will give us the tools to bring that beautiful professionals into the dance world. And thanks to her that now I can pass that on, with a bigger qualification, with quality, with clarity, and with the passion that I have for my profession too. Thank you!”

Monica Proenca, Dancer & Choreographer, Canada, USA, Brazil

Fanny Bašista

“I must say that it is an amazing course that makes the dance world better and healthier. It provides scientifically proven tools to enhance dancer's performance, prevent injuries, make better teachers, rehearsal directors and dance company leaders, throughout many aspects, anatomically, physiologically, psychologically and pedagogically. It also taught me how to stay up to date with scientific research to keep evolving as a dancer and a teacher in the right direction. This course should be an obligatory step in any place that involves dance as it has the strength to really make a difference.”

Fanny Bašista, Freelance dancer, Prague, Czech Republic

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